
User Guide


Add task (e.g. Todo, deadline, event)

Asks the chatbot to add a new task to the list and save it to disk. You are expected to specify a date for deadlines and events.

List task

Asks the chatbot to list out your tasks.

Delete task

Instructs the chatbot to delete the task which you do not want or have completed.

Mark complete

Instructs the chatbot to mark a task as done.

Find by date

Asks the chatbot to return you all tasks on a given date, to help you quickly find out what needs to be done on a particular day.

Find by keyword

Asks the chatbot to return you a list of tasks that contains certain keywords.

Sort tasks

Asks the chatbot to return you a list of tasks sorted by earliest or latest date.


Show All Tasks

Format: list

Shows a list of all tasks managed by the chatbot.


Adds a Todo Task

Adds a todo task to the chatbot.

Format: todo <description>


Adds a Deadline

Adds a deadline to the chatbot.

Format: deadline <description> /by <date>


Adds an Event

Adds an event to the chatbot.

Format: event <description> /at <date>


Mark Complete

Marks a task as completed.

Format: done <index>


Delete a Task

Deletes a task from the task list.

Format: delete <index>


Find by Date

Finds a task by the specified date.

Format: date <date>


Find by Keyword

Find tasks which the description contains the given keywords.

Format: find <keyword>


Sort tasks

Sort tasks by latest or earliest date, and returns you a list of tasks in that order. Tasks without a date will be placed at the bottom of the list.

Format: sort /by <descriptor>


1. Submit assignment (by 10 Oct 2020)
2. Attend sister's wedding (at 5 Nov 2020)
3. Submit internship application (by 8 Oct 2020)

Exits the program.

Format: bye